A software developerÕs Guide to
ÒThings MacintoshÓ on the Net...
Moving gears
(Other ÒThings MacÓ pages: Mac OS X | UNIX | eMail | Webmaster | Misc )

DeveloperÕs Corner
  • CamelBones Ð A Cocoa framework for programs written entirely in Perl. Also provides a high-level object-oriented wrapper around an embedded Perl interpreter, so that Cocoa programs written in Objective-C can easily make use of code and libraries written in Perl
  • PyObjC project Ð Fully bidirectional bridge between Python and Objective-C; Cocoa GUI applications in pure Python are possible
  • AppScripting Ð Manipulate AppleScriptable applications using ordinary Python code
Dashboard Widgets
Developer Widgets
Regarding Resources
  • ResFool Ð Essentially ResEdit Plus for Mac OS X
  • ResCompare Ð Create an Updater for your software
  • Mercutio MDEF Ð Menu DEFinition resource to easily extend your app menus
  • HexEdit Ð Open Source hexadecimal resource and data fork file editor see also: Nick ShanksÕ HexEdit site
InterNet for Programmers
Database and BLOG
  • QuickLite Ð A Cocoa wrapper for an embeddable SQL database engine (SQLite); Obsolete as of Tiger: see Core Data
Source Code Archives
Essential Developer Information
System Startup
Newsgroups for Programmers
Cocoa & Xcode
Core Data
Other pages in the ÒThingsÓ series are:
  • Things Mac OS X Ð for Mac OS X GUI related, data security and encryption, etc.
  • Things UNIX Ð for Mac OS X CLI related, UNIX tools, Terminal.app, general UNIX, etc.
  • Things eMail Ð Mac OS X eMail clients, server info, and SPAM countermeasures
  • Things Webmastering Ð for Webmasters, Server AdminÕs, HTML, CGI, etc.
  • Things Macintosh (misc) Ð hardware, shopping, news, vintage (including OS 8-9), etc.
This page was last updated on 28-February-2009